Saturday, March 28, 2009

“ This is the week “ Basketball – Daryle Lambert

Louisville Cardinal Thanks to

I remember as a small child my Dad taking me to see the University of Kentucky play. Back then the players hung around after the game to sign autographs and Dad encouraged me to stand in line to get mine. The most famous coach in the world coached Kentucky at that time and his name was Adolph Rupp. I did get his autograph but that wasn't the one I really wanted – I wanted Cliff Hagan's the center for Kentucky who was later introduced into the NBA Hall of Fame.

You are asking why his autograph was so special? Well, he was from the town I lived in, Owensboro, Kentucky and my Dad had taken me to the high school state basketball championship two years earlier and the Owensboro Red Devils won. I still can see the table of trophies that was rolled out and Cliff Hagan was awarded “most valuable player”.

Young people usually pick a basketball, baseball and football team to follow at an early age and these are their teams for life. I run into few people that don't have their favorites and usually they purchase something to remember those teams by. This is where we come in and provide those special items and the memories they represent. How about the picture that is signed by your favorite player that took the last shot of the game and made it? Perhaps, it is a game ball signed by all the players on a certain team that you wish to have. It really doesn't matter as long as it belonged to that special person or team. Here is a suggestion for you, think back to who your favorite players or teams are and become a specialist in items associated with them. You might even be able to create an entire business around these. Wouldn't that be fun?

I haven't mentioned it lately but if we want to be really successful, there must be fun and profit! What could be more fun than dealing in items that have a special meaning to us while we are making money. But where do we find these items? Garage sales, house sales, eBay, newspapers, and resale shops are just a few places to start, and guess what? If you are serious about this business, these are the places that you are visiting anyway.

I was a University of Kentucky fan until yesterday (Check my story here) but after what they did to their coach I have switched - Go Louisville Cardinals. Now, I have a completely different list of items to search for. Good luck! You may find me very competitive if you've chosen a different team

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