One area of the Antique and Fine Art business that I have been lacks in is the Design and Interiors business. There are no better clients for us as dealers in antiques and fine art than the designers. They have the clientèle for the wonderful treasures that we find plus their constantly on the search to find the rare and usual items to enhance their customers homes. This is what sits them apart from the average decorator. I would suggest that you contact every interior designer in you surrounding area and make an appointment to offer your services to them in the future.
I know again you are asking where did he come up with this? Well it so happens that the reason is an unfulfilled promise I made and haven't kept. You see a wonderful lady contacted me from Catherine-Interiors in Boston and we agreed to exchange links. She was very prompt on her end but because I don't do this myself I have been a little tardy on my end. This morning I received a very nice email from her asking about our well being and also reminding me about the link. I most certainly want to pursue this relationship because going to her site I was amazed at the beauty that her firm creates. You may want to take a peek at yourself.
It is so easy for us in our hurry to sale the items that we find that we pass by some of the better marketing outlets we have available for them. As for the designers there is an opportunity for us to work with them from the beginning of a project and we can even be instrumental in some of the choices they make for their clients. I have found that this is an avenue that most antique dealers don't take advantage of but we don't want to fall in that category.
One of the first things that we should do each month is update the list of our inventories and send it to all the designer firms that we can contact. There is a possibility that your prized items such as paintings and other fine items may be sold even before you get to offer them to the market place. The interior designers are truly our friends and my advise to you is keep your friends in mind when you are offering your prized items but also show your appreciation for working with you.
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