Tuesday, July 6, 2010

God’s Grace – Daryle Lambert’s Antiques and Collectibles Blog – His blessings

Antiques and collectibles are definitely important in our business but there are far more important things in our life.

I may have suffered a serious injury to my back today while riding go carts with my son, Joshua. Hitting head on with another car that was going in the wrong direction, it literally knocked my shoes off. I was unable to move for several minutes and sharp pains ran from my shoulder to the tips of my fingers on my right hand. The attendants helped me out of the car onto the ground. I laid there for fifteen minutes while the pain subsided and Joshua called his mother who came and assisted me to the car. We considered going to the hospital but we decided to go home for the night to see if there is improvement. The pain has not eased in my back but Vickie and Josh are giving me wonderful attention by providing medicine and hot packs for my back.

As the accident happened, I saw life flash past me and the possibility of being a paraplegic for the rest of my life. All things are ultimately in God’s hands.

With the help of my family, I hope to continue my blogs for the rest of the week. Please pray for Vickie because she is worried and for Joshua because he is scared. Prayers for me should be directed to Jesus, that I would be in his hands and he would provide me protection. I am currently unable to walk without assistance but I hope in the morning that this condition will have improved. God bless.

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