Monday, January 26, 2009

Daryle Lambert: 2009's Top 10 What’s Hot!

Thanks to Flicker

I have gotten several emails asking when the new “What's Hot and What's Not” list will be announced. Well, today is the day for the new list and I think that there may be a few surprises on it for you. I won't be able to expound on each one in this blog, but I will talk about each one in more detail later. There isn't any reason to make you wait longer so here goes.

1. Political memorabilia – This should not come as a surprise because I have been writing about this for over six months. With the election of our first black President, the next couple of years should be rather exciting for collectors

2. American Paintings – This market will always be among my top choices because people wish to be close to the history of this country that is captured by paintings. The art world is just beginning to give the credit that is due to some of America’s finest painters. If you can't make money here then you can't make money.

3. Toys – Here is a repeat from last year that can still make money for you. As people try to stay in touch with their childhood, there isn't a better way than to collect toys they remember as a child. The great thing for us is that, as time passes, new toys become collectible because there are always new future collectors being born. The prime age for collecting is from 25 – 55 years of age and as new people enter this period in their lives we are able to provide them with the toys they remember

4. Historical items – During these difficult times, collectors will look back at what has made this country great. This is where we can plug into the wealth of historical material that is available at house and garage sales. Soon we, as proud citizens of the United States of America, will tire of being the world’s punching bag and again we will stand up.

5. Gold and Silver Jewelry – Here is where I want you to realize that people think of gold and silver as hedges again hard times. I disagree, but remember this isn't about us. I believe that people will be rushing to buy good gold and silver jewelry, so keep a close eye out for the better pieces.

6. Carnival Glass – There has been a renewed interest in the rare and unusual pieces of Carnival Glass. There are cycles in everything and I believe that this glass has entered a new phase in the marketplace. The pastel pieces will bring you the most money and the rarer patterns are heating up with the collectors.

7. First Edition Books – These books are beginning to amaze me with the prices that are being achieved today. Even the more contemporary one are bringing large sums of money and if they are signed, watch out.

8. Art Glass – Here, yes, you want to buy the great glasses of the past such as Tiffany, Steuben, Daum Nancy and others but don't forget about the contemporary new artists such as Smallhouse and Satava. I will have more on them later.

9. Antique and modern firearms – I haven't suggested that we buy and sell firearms before and perhaps you don’t wish to do so but this list is about what others will be buying this year. The more the government pushes to limit the ownership of firearms in this country, the more they will be purchased.

10. Tobacco Collectibles – Anything from advertising to ashtrays will be sought after by the collector of these items. As things are taken off the market, there begins to be a rush to keep its memory alive.

With these ten areas of collecting you should be able to have a profitable year in 2009. If I were just starting this is where I would spend my time researching. Tomorrow I will post what I think you should stay away from.

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