Saturday, November 22, 2008

Daryle Lambert: Antiques and Collectibles Come Full Circle

Where are you today in your search for success with Antiques and Fine Art? Have you been disappointed over the last few months as markets have seemed to shrink? Are you finding it more and more difficult to get out there every day? Well you're not alone, but this is the time to keep pushing forward. These times are just like the ones that a marathoner goes through at about that 20th mile in the 26 mile race. He can quit and he knows it, but with just a little more endurance, he can cross the finish line. My hope is that with the help that can be provided here at 31 Club, all our readers and members will cross your own finish line.

I want to share a little story with you about the ups and downs of this market. Remember the 1940 Kentucky Derby Glass that I've written about in pass blogs. Well, when one of or members of the 31 Club discovered it, and enterd the glass through our Associates Program, this is where the 31 Club partners up with its member and shares the profit from its sale. It didn't take long for the glass to be "sold" and our celebration started, but it was short lived. The sale wasn't consummated, and our joy soon turned to disappointment. This was the wall just like that marathoner reaches. So, what should we do? Well, I have to give it to Cecil, our partner in the glass, who said we need to suck it up an take it to the next step. I am happy to report to you that now the Kentucky Derby Glass has found a new owner at a price equal to what we thought it was sold for the first time. The second success is even sweeter than the first.

If you are in a similar state of mind with perhaps inventory that you thought should have sold but hasn't, it may be because you have stopped putting forth the effort needed to get the items sold due to past disappointments. Give it another try and see if the results aren't different. They sure were with the Kentucky Derby Glass.

One way I try to get on the brighter side is to have something that in the future, can change my temperament. For example, I'm looking forward to January 9th because that's the day that William and the 31 Club will be selling a painting at Christie's. The artist is Bannard. I believe it will bring more than Christie's high estimate, because this artist's works have been exceeding the high estimates in almost ever auction where they have been consigned. Even though other things may not be going just as I had planned, I still have something to look forward to. Is your glass half empty or half full? That's what you might ask yourself. You are the only one who can make that decision.

If you need encouragement, please call me at 1-847-784-8544. I believe after we talk, you will be ready to get back into the saddle. God wants us to succeed but he doesn't promise us it will be easy. Working together, I feel confident that nothing can stop us from crossing the finish line in our own “Million Dollar Race” unless we just quit.

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1 comment:

  1. Daryle, I so agree with your hypothesis that humans are natural collectors. As a child, when the other girls on the block played Barbies, I collected. Soil samples, rocks, fossils, bird points....till my grandmother took me rummaging through neighborhood yard sales. Oh my! Hook, line, sinker! I'm still in the game. I am a living testimony to your theory! Best regards, Lynn of Vintage American Collectibles
