Thursday, September 6, 2007

It Won't Break - But Still Can Have Value

When I first arrive at a sale, I usually head for the Art Glass, Pottery or Paintings, thinking this is where the greatest value is going to be.

Often I have made the mistake of not going to the basement, garage or other out buildings. Did you know that some of the most expensive things that you might find at these sales could be antique tools?

An old wood plane with ivory tips might bring up to $10,000 or a rare wrench $4,000 or more. The Stanley company was the leader in metal planes and an old one can command a pretty penny.

Saws and hammers are also great collectibles for a tool collector. You may even find pieces that are mysteries because no one any longer knows their use. Who would still recognize a wheel wrench for a wooden wagon wheel? Not me.

This list can go on and on, but I would bet that very few of you would even take a second glance at old tools. Just a few more items that could easily exceed $1000 in value or more include axes, chisels, hay forks, joiners [ big time ], slide rules and metal tongs. The one that surpised me most was a lawn mowers at over $1500.

Often these tools are manufactoried by machinery companies such as John Deere, Ford and others. Many a man was known by the tools that he used, Unfortunately, the era of the craftsman my be gone forever. Working wood by hand today is to time consuming when all you have to do is set the computer and hundreds of pieces can be produced in a day. I for one am sadden to see those day pass on.`

Don't forget these items as you search for treasure to keep you on the path to reaching your 31 steps in our $1,000,000 Race. You may get your clothes and hands dirty as you dig these things out of greasy tool boxes but it may well be worth it.

Be sure to visit our web site for more information about how you can join the 31 Club and start your own race to your millions!

"The Guy in the Red Tie" --- Daryle Lambert


  1. Daryle, THANKS for giving the 31club some good ideas that will fit into our initial $100 investment. I will now bring my little Warman's tool field guide with me. How horrible is that? I had the book and didn't even study it. I bought it because I heard tools could bring big money, but being a lady didn't think much of it. Thank you for your time yesterday looking at my stuff. I may have had my first step all along with my painting. It will go on ebay tonight and I'll keep everyone posted if I made the first step. YOU ARE A WONDERFUL GUIDE!! Lisa

  2. Hi Lisa, It's wonderful to hear you have a good find in your painting! I will keep my fingers crossed for you - Good Luck! Vicki
